

Saturday is a bad day to go to Target at any time, so why the heck did I choose to go on a Saturday in December?? Gah! Ok, so it’s because I didn’t get a chance to go yesterday, but still–parking lot craziness, aisle craziness, line crazi—well, actually, the line was a breeze. Gotta love it when they finally open up all those registers that are usually closed the rest of the year.

Before the craziness that was Target, I went to the optometrist. No glaucoma, yay! On the other hand, I got talked into biweekly contact lenses, instead of my usual annuals, and they’re going to cost me twice as much a year. Phooey. But the next six months are already covered with my FSA money, as well as new lenses for my glasses, *and* prescription sunglasses. Grand total was over $600, but it was already spent money, ’cause it was FSA–yay, FSA!

My plan for the rest of the day includes coloring my hair, paying my rent, washing at least six dishes (it’s part of my constant struggle to stop leaving them for weeks on end), and felting three more bags. That last one may not happen until tomorrow, though. Right now, I’m going to drink my tea (yay tea!) and have my afternoon protein bar. 🙂


Day 30!

Last day! I made it, bay-bee!

Last night, I ate waaaay too much sushi. Do I regret it? Heck no! It was awesome! I’ve missed sushi, and can never get enough. Do I regret what it cost? Well, yes, maybe a bit. Ah well, water under the bridge. Want more, though.

Now I’m watching Bones and resting my hands (spent all day knitting). Later I may sleep. Woot!


:-D I am full of SQUEE! today

I’m feelng ridiculously pleased with myself right now. I just automated at task at work that’s going to make life easier for at least three people (myself included) and will insure that the task isn’t done incorrectly (which has been about 50% of the time in the past). Whee! I also told one of my coworkers about something he does regularly that makes me feel inadequate, which I knew wasn’t his intention but still drives me bugnuts crazy, and he apologized and promised to stop doing it. I remembered to copy a bunch of Xmas music to my flash drive this morning to transport to my work laptop. AND! Something I bought for myself on Black Friday arrived today that I’ve been greatly looking forward to.

So, I’m having a good day. My skin is actually tingling from my joy. Here’s hoping it lasts!


Two more days…

The presents I ordered last week on Black Friday have started arriving. On the one hand, yay! Presents! On the other hand, I can’t help but feel, This is it? This is all I ordered? And it cost *how much*?! Every year, the dollar shrinks a little more, and my family’s agreed upon limits* just don’t go as far as they used to.

There’s also the problem of seeing something you’ve been wanting for awhile, but weren’t willing to pay full price for (for example, the Superman Returns dvd hasn’t dropped under $20 since it was released….until Black Friday!), but you can’t buy it for yourself now, not during “holiday shopping” season. And you just know the price will jack itself back up as soon as Christmas is over. Phooey.

Of course, these are all first-world problems. We have roofs over our heads, food on our tables, and usually family and/or friends to spend the holidays with. Everything else is gravy, but the incessant holiday commercials can make it easy to forget that. Someday I hope I can rise above my petty material desires and spend my holiday cash on charities and donations while urging others to do the same with whatever they’d spend on me, but if there is such a day, I suspect it’s very far from today.

*People sometimes ask why we have dollar limits on our Christmas spending–it makes more sense if you know that I used to spend $300 on each person in my immediate family before they reined me in with limits. I still cheat, though.


Home stretch!

It’s the 27th! Only three more posts after today, and I’ll have accomplished the “post every day for the month of November” NaBloPoMo challenge! Woot!

Hopefully I won’t then go back to my “post once a month” ways. I’ll try very hard not to, I swear. In the meantime, I….have no news. 😀 Well, I’d have work related news, but I’ve heard of companies that fire employees for mentioning anything work related in a public blog, and I’m not taking any chances.

Oh, but only vaguely related is the fact that December 1st is the Day Without Art, when museums all over the world cover a work of art in remembrance of all the artists the planet has lost to AIDS. This year we’ll be covering a statue that you can’t possibly miss, as it sits on the steps leading from the tram to the museum–no hunting for the shrouded painting this year! The accompanying web page will go live Friday night.

That’s all I’ve got for today. 🙂