100 Words Miscellaneous


On Tuesday I saw a deer pooping in the woods. It was squatting, and it made me wonder why some four-legged animals squat while pooping, and why others just poop standing up, like they don’t even know what’s going on with their ass-end. (I’m looking at you, horses and elephants!) Do they perhaps not have nerve endings back there to tell them something is being ejected from their body? Do they seriously just not care that smelly feces are dropping from their butts and possibly leaving stuff behind on their legs in the process? Inquiring minds need to know, dammit!

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100 Words Current Events News Work


So, yesterday was 9/11. A somber day, even 12 years later. But it was also the thirteenth anniversary of the day I started at my current workplace. Today I am officially at my place of employment longer than I was in public school back in Massachusetts. Go team me!

Yesterday was also the day I finally called my orthodontist back and made an appointment to get my braces installed. Onto my teeth. At age 44. To say I’m not looking forward to this would be a monumental understatement, but, it needs to be done before my jaw disappears. Yay.

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100 Words Gratuitous Picture Post Travel

Riley on my birthday

Riley playing with the sink in the bathroom

This is my nephew Riley. I took this picture on my birthday, which is the day after his. (He’s two years old now, holy crap!) For his birthday, his daycare provider gave him a Red Sox ball and bat, which he then used to walk down the hall like it was a cane while chanting, “Auntie! Auntie! Auntie!” (Yes, I was on a cane while I was visiting last month, due to the meniscus surgery I’d had two weeks earlier.) Sadly only his dad was a witness to this, and he did not take video. I adore him, of course.

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100 Words Hobbies

Karaoke awesomeness!

On Saturday I did karaoke with a bunch of coworkers to celebrate three Virgo birthdays (including mine!). We went to Soop Sok in Koreatown and had a blast! Six of us spent the night singing to our hearts’ content (rented room means no need to share the mic with strangers!) while Scott and Jane sat in the back, watching (and occasionally fetching drinks). I hit up Michael’s earlier that day and bought plenty of props to make sure everyone stayed entertained all night, no matter how good or bad anyone sang. I also had my first Jaeger shot. (<–Kathie’s fault)

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