100 Words Current Events News Work


So, yesterday was 9/11. A somber day, even 12 years later. But it was also the thirteenth anniversary of the day I started at my current workplace. Today I am officially at my place of employment longer than I was in public school back in Massachusetts. Go team me!

Yesterday was also the day I finally called my orthodontist back and made an appointment to get my braces installed. Onto my teeth. At age 44. To say I’m not looking forward to this would be a monumental understatement, but, it needs to be done before my jaw disappears. Yay.

[100 words]

Current Events

Is anyone else horrified by the price of gas these days?

Price of gas in Los Angeles on February 26, 2010
Price of gas in Los Angeles on February 26, 2010

Seriously, WTF?! Fortunately it’s not that high outside of downtown….yet. The $3.78 from my neighborhood gas station is still pretty high, though.

Current Events Links

Closing bookstores :-(

Deep sadness–Borders is in Chapter 11, and they’re closing a bunch o’stores. Here’s the list (sortable, so you can find the ones in your state easily). Looks like the one closest to me is safe, at least.

I know big box stores are evil and blah blah blah, but I loves me some Borders. There’s something about it that’s comfier than (most) Barnes & Nobles.