Took the nephew to Sonny McLean’s for the first time. He’s watching a Cars video while Daddy watches the Bruins and I watch the Sox. Win win!
Taking the fam to Sonny’s

Today is the first day of my vacation. The family is arriving tomorrow morning, so today is CLEAN ALL THE THINGS! day. I’ve been putting things away all morning in preparation of the professional cleaners arriving at 12:30. I spent last weekend getting rid of as much as I could (FIVE BAGS OF YARN!), and after getting rid of an entire bookcase, the place has a nice less-cluttered look. I am reminded that even though my apartment is small, I still love it. The walls are painted bright colors, and the white walls are hung with my own photography and paintings. The balcony door lets plenty of light in, as well as a wide view of the sky, and the couch is a comfy throne of hominess that fits me and both cats with plenty of personal space to spare.
I do indeed love it here.
My weekends have been very full, and it’s starting to make me anxious. Freelance work, car repairs (new brakes! new axle! woo!), birthdays, and Woo!Doctor!Who! are filling up all my time, so there’s hardly a minute to slack off anymore. I fantasize about painting, but don’t actually do any (even skipped an already-paid-for Wine and Canvas last night, boo!). Next weekend I have to have to have!to! get my taxes ready for my accountant. I still have to schedule the cleaners to come and sanitize my apartment before cutiehead nephew arrives (three!weeks!). And get my tires fixed. And other stuff. In fact, right this very second I’m procrastinating on working on the slideshows for my client by writing this very blog post. I really need to get started ’cause I have the twins’ birthday bowling party this afternoon. And have I mentioned the stack of dirty dishes in the sink, even though the dishwasher is totally empty and prepared to receive said dishes?
Apparently I was in the mood for a stream of consciousness kind of brain dump. Sorry about that. In “at least this is amusing” news, the password at the coffee shop I was hanging out in yesterday while my brakes were replaced was “surfyourballsoff”. I need a more amusing password for my wireless.
Oh, and happy Easter to them’s that celebrate it.