
I’m thinking of giving up cable

In fact, I’m 99% sure of it. I’ve done my pros and cons list, and it leans heavily in the why the hell am I paying for this? camp. All the shows I’ve obsessed over are officially finished and off the air, so really, there’s no reason to continue paying Adelphia’s ridiculous fees, except for the Red Sox games, and those I can watch at Sonny’s. Netflix is my new obsession, and it’s feeding my need for quality television via dvd quite nicely, and for less than half the price of cable.

I will be doing a test run for the next week, which will consist of unhooking the cable to see how the broadcast stations look without it. If this works out, I could be cableless by Independence Day. Freedom from the corrupt cable company! Woo!

In other news, Mom and Fred got a new cat! Her name is Cleo(patra), she’s three months old, and they’ve had her for two days and already she’s their little princess. I’m sad that I probably won’t get to meet her until she’s a little adult, so please, go visit, take lots of pictures, and then send them to me so I can pretend I was there the whole time!


You Don’t Know Me

Glass of wine in hand, Ray playing on the WMP…

Rest in peace, Ray. I’m sorry I never got to see you perform live.


Anime Me

Anime MeI also find this picture amusing, courtesy of the Portrait Illustration Maker. The eyes are all wrong, but I’m ok with that.


Currently Cranky

I’m working on a project that’s more than a little over my head, I injured my elbow which is causing my whole arm and neck to ache, and there’s a Lakers game tonight so no Quiz Night, so I’m feeling rather cranky and persnicketty. On the bright side, there is sushi for dinner, the blanket I’m knitting for my nephew is coming along beautifully, albeit slowly, and I’m listening to a British radio station, which has verra funny commercials. Technically it balances out, and yet I can’t shake the cranky. Perhaps I need some chocolate.


Make me blind when your eyes close

Woo! It’s Harry Potter Thursday! And I am faced with a terrible dilemma—go to the 12:01am showing tonight, and risk being sleepy and cranky; wait until tomorrow, when the crowds will be insane; or, do both! Decisions, decisions…..

Economically, tomorrow afternoon would make the most sense. And I can bring my knitting, so the inevitable line won’t be quite as unbearable. But, tonight, there’s instant!gratification! And I am a creature of instant!gratification! And there’s a new director finally, and it’s my favorite book of the five currently out, so I have high hopes, and gah! I just cannot contain my excitement, yo.

I do so hate making decisions. *sigh* Perhaps I’ll just flip a coin.