Knitting and Crochet Shopping

L.A. Yarn Crawl 2017

I don’t need more yarn. Seriously, I know this better than anyone. And yet, Yarn Crawl has been on my calendar for months, because, it’s an occasion! I can’t skip a once-a-year occasion! So today I hit up Wildfiber and Compatto. Almost $200 later, I have four new skeins of yarn, one new book, and an adorable ceramic cat dish.

Twisted Owl yarn and ceramic cat dish from Wildfiber

The full haul from Compatto: Stephen West’s new book, one skein of Baah’s Aspen, and two skeins of Illimani.

$200 is nothing to sneeze at, so I really should stop now, but I can’t quit until I hit my fave store, The Knitting Tree, which I hope to visit tomorrow. But then that’s it, I swear.