Programming Work

Take THAT, z-index! Pyew! Pyew!

Solved a bitch of a coding problem that I’d wasted way too much time on before Christmas. It was a CSS problem where a tooltip box couldn’t transcend its parent div’s z-index, and therefore kept falling behind the neighboring div. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to raise the child above the parent, until someone else needed help with an onmouseover, and bam! The answer hit me–elevate the parent.

<div onMouseover=" = 100" onMouseout=" = 1">

Ta da! Problem fixed. Woo!

Blogs Programming

Adding features

Things are mellow at work, so I’m working on my WordPress skills by adding a searchable database of all my dvds to my site. Once all the info is in, I’ll create a template for viewing them, and add them to the nav.

It’s a small thing, and it’s mostly for my own use, but I’m looking forward to being able to search my disks by actor, director, writer, and/or year of release!


Import goddess!

Woot! Successfully imported all my posts from my old Greymatter/ blog! Holy crap they go back pretty far. Should I start fixing the categories, or maybe work on the pretty? Hmm….

Programming Travel

WordCamp SF

Sitting in the first session of the WordCamp SF one-day conference, waiting for Writing Plugins for NooBs to start. Whee!


Using CCK field variables

For future reference, this is where I found the answer:

(<* php print $node->field_section[0][‘value’] *>)