
Happy New Year’s Eve

Only 14 or so more hours, and 2005 will be history. Amen and good riddance. Henceforth 2005 shall be known as 2005 (ptooey!).

Let’s round things up, shall we?

January: Massive rains caused my walls to buckle and pieces to crumble off, leaving ugly holes. Subluxed (i.e. dislocated) my fibular head, leading to a year of pain (and it’s still ongoing). Lost a gig and a half of personal files when my brand new hard drive ate them all. Little Moo was born, and I gave up the scary life of dial-up in exchange for DSL. I worked my butt off for a really cool exhibition that turned out pretty well (Jacques-Louis David). Finished a sweater for a two year old (my first and so far only sweater) as a belated Xmas present.

February: Spent two weeks working from home trying to heal my knee while painters tried to fix my walls. Finished a hat in Steeler colors for my friend for the Superbowl. Had a cold. (What? It was mentioned in my journal, which lends it an importance it wouldn’t normally have. So there.) Had to fork over $60+ for a library book I returned, but the library lost. Patriots win the Superbowl…again. USAToday posted a link to Elderly neighbor dies. The termites make one last showing before moving to another part of the building.

March: Purchased tickets to three Red Sox/Angels games for me and Mom. Got a $400+ windfall when Fidelity decided to close my underachieving account. 3.4 earthquake. Took a train to San Diego to see friends at a conference. Celebrated A’s birthday. Met Jesse. Visited the Joshua Tree National Park finally. Dinnered with CG.

April: Grey’s Anatomy. Spent Red Sox Opening Day at Sonny McLean’s. Started Flash class at UCLA. Got a decent tax refund. The big accidental-deleting-of-200k-files-at-work debacle. Started my relationship with Dr. Z. Had an unexpectedly marvelous time at the Destination: L.A. (Lost) party. The sis and fiance moved into their brand new condo. Lost $20 in longest poker game ever. CC company jacks up my interest rate just because they can (i.e. shortly after Congress passes new bankruptcy limitations).

May: Also known as, the Intoxicated Month. Went to a taping of Ellen with Lori. Hacked six inches off my hair with my own scissors, just ’cause I felt like it. Saw the Piper Downs for the first time in forever. Went to San Francisco for a Teamsite conference with three coworkers and had a GREAT time, and drank all the alcohol in the city. Bought a whole new wardrobe. Went to NOLA with Bronzers, had another GREAT time. Dyed some of my hair blue. Didn’t sleep.

June: Napped a lot, apparently. Went to movies. Put my webcam online for the first time. 5.6 earthquake. Michael Jackson gets cleared on all counts. Aced my Flash final. ‘Nother earthquake, longer than usual. More car troubles. Created my “Blue” playlist. June was pretty uneventful, filled mostly with Flash homework.

More later, I have to go ice my knee…

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