
Sooooo tired.

This cold is never ever ever going to go away. Coughing woke me up at 8am and congestion forced me out of bed at 9am. But at least 80% of my dishes are washed, I’m fed, and I even had time to consider buying a car. I decided to wait, though, maybe for labor day.

Yesterday was way too busy, and could explain my overall tiredness today. There was kickboxing – my first workout in two whole weeks. It kicked my ass and almost made me throw up, but it was still good, and I like to believe that at least some of the evil nasty germs that have been making me miserable were ejected in all that sweat. (Pretty image, that.) Then there was yummy lunch at Downtown Disney with people I don’t get to see very often. We had some time to kill, so we wandered in the sun, since we missed all the convenient movie times. But then we got to go to the RED SOX game at Angel stadium, so, sweet! The game was… Well, it would’ve been better if my boys had won, but except for that it wasn’t too bad. At least there were three home runs (thank you Johnny and David!). We had Red Sox fans to the left and right of us, and Angel fans above and below. Unfortunately there were two Angel fans of the more obnoxious variety, one in front of us and one behind, that made it necessary for me to chug some Alleve in the 7th, but they were just loud more than anything, so it could’ve been worse. (I’ve sat in the bleachers at Fenway – I know worse.)

The next seven days are going to be hell, with a brief party intermission towards the end. Given that I still have my cold, I have serious doubts that I’ll make it through in one piece, or with all accomplished that I have planned.

Also, it’s damned hot here. I might have to seek refuge in a movie theater.

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