Yesterday my friend Jane and I took our friend’s dog Ernie up to Idyllwild to see snow. It’s a two-hour drive (a little less if you drive like Jane) and sits atop a mountain at an elevation of 6200 feet–a perfect day trip. It was a gorgeous day in the high-50s/low-60s, and yet we still managed to find snow in the state forest above the town, where kids were sledding, adventure groups were hiking further up the mountain, and trucks were slip-sliding in the parking lot. (Google is not helping me find the name of the park–I thought it began with an “H”, but all I can find is reference to the Mount San Jacinto State Park.) Maintaining my marvelous record, I even managed to fall on my ass while trying to take the least slippery route down the hill back to the car. We lunched at the Red Kettle in “downtown” Idyllwild and did some random driving around the area before heading back down the windy road to the city.