
Ticker parade!

I was surfing the tags at WordPress and found an excellent idea on Put a Sock in it: Born Again Knitter–she’s using one of those ticker counters to keep track of the last time she fell off her own stash wagon and bought yarn. I fell in love with this idea immediately! Sadly, I’m an idiot and can’t figure out how to make a post that always stays at the top of the page, so I’ve placed my ticker on my About Me page. As of today, it’s been three days since I last bought yarn. My current goal is to make it to 30 days. What will I do if I reach my goal? No clue. Hopefully it won’t be “buy yarn!”

In other news, the picture of my Little Coco bag, the one I posted last week? Has been hit 98 times already on Flickr. ?! I can’t imagine why, it’s just a bag. The visitors aren’t coming from here, ’cause to be honest, I don’t get that many hits. Maybe from Ravelry? I dunno, but it has beat out the cute baby hats as my most visited knitted item on Flickr. Weird.

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