So, tonight’s the night, when I finally go to the West Hollywood Stitch ‘n’ Bitch gathering. I’ve been looking forward to it all week, but now that it’s so close, I’m getting nervous.
I tried going once about a year ago. I went to the Farmer’s Market, went upstairs, looked around, saw the group of people knitting in the community room…..and then fled. Have I mentioned what a chicken I really am? This is why I’ve become a hermit at age 38.
It shouldn’t be too scary. It’s a group of people that live near me and have the same obsessive hobby that I do, so we should totally click, right? I dunno. I tried joining the knitting group at my company a couple of years ago, but never really felt like I belonged there, and it only took about two visits before I quit going. This could turn out the same. I might be too geeky or too quiet too weird (or not weird enough!) or a million other too-somethings, and then it’ll be a couple of hours of awkwardness and inner turmoil and I probably won’t be able to hide the “wow, this was a big mistake!” expressions from flitting across my face as they send silent messages to each other, wondering how to get rid of the strange new girl who obviously isn’t fitting in.
You don’t know, it could happen!
I don’t plan on chickening out this time, though, given that it’s an official part of my New Year’s Resolution: Meet New People: Hobby Sub-Division. I intend to go home first for dinner, but I brought a project with me anyway, just in case–the single-crochet scarf in self-striping soy/wool yarn that I was working on during my flight Sunday. I didn’t want anything too complicated, ’cause then I get even more introverted as my concentration on a project increases.
*sigh* It’s nearly four now. Three hours away. I feel like throwing up.