Knitting and Crochet

Knitting vs. Crochet?

I’m taking a break from the evil tank top, mostly because I’ve reached the part where I’ll have to take copious notes to keep track of where I am, which makes it less mindless knitting, my preferred method of knitting.  So instead, I’m working on another log cabin blanket, again crocheted, again from Plymouth Encore (specifically, the yarn I purchased when I went to Handmade) in shades of orange, yellow and pink.  It’s nearly finished–double crochet is SO MUCH QUICKER than single crochet, I tell you!  I’ll post pictures soon.

In other news, I wanted to share this comic.  The dialogue is from a conversation that occurred on one of my other posting boards; the graphics came from the really nifty web app at; and the two were joined in blissful, hilarious harmony by one of the members of my posting board. I think it highlights the differences between knitting and crochet rather perfectly, don’t you? 😀

And if you decide to create something yourself with StripCreator, please post a link here, I’d love to see it!

Knitting and Crochet

An update! No way!

I feel terrible that I haven’t updated in awhile, but to be honest, I’m still working on the same project–the ribbon-yarn tank top from Vogue Knitting.  I went away for a week to San Francisco and didn’t pick up the needles once while I was gone (bad Polgara!), so I’m still working on the back side, but I’m getting there–only half an inch more before shaping for the straps, then I can get started on the front side.  I know it’s taking me forever, but to be honest, I’m not a big fan of stockinette when it’s not in the round, largely because I’m not a big fan of purling.  My fingers have never really gotten used to the different position, so it takes me about half again as long to purl a row as it does to knit it, and I’m more likely to pause and put the project down when I get to the next purl row.

I want to be finished, though, so I can start a new project–probably another baby blanket, as I still haven’t touched a single skein of the cotton I bought when the twins were first born.  (They’re doing very well, btw–still in NICU, but growing nicely.)  But I also want to do another crocheted project, so we’ll just have to see where my mood takes me when I’ve finally finished this tank top of DOOOOOOM.

Ok, that’s all I’ve got.  Sorry for the scarce post, but I figured a little post was better than no post at all.

Knitting and Crochet

New project

The blankets are finished!  Well, sort of–the yarn has been bound off, but I still have to finish weaving all the ends in.  Blech.  Not a big fan of the weaving, not at all.

Once I finished the knitting part, I immediately started thinking of my next project.  It was originally going to be more blankets for the twins, but once I saw how many blankets their grandmother had already knitted for them, well…. mebbe they don’t need more blankets just now.  And besides, I need a break from the baby stuff, I think.  And the blankets.  So, after much thinking and flipping through some books, and the current issues of Vogue Knitting and KnitSimple, I decided it was time to make my first ever tank top–woo!  I chose the yellow tank on page 36 of KnitSimple, except mine’s going to look nothing like that, since I’m doing it in ribbon yarn.  It was the only thing I had on hand that a) isn’t wool, and b) I already have enough of on hand.  I upped the needles to 10, since that’s the recommended needle for the ribbon, and because let’s face it, an XL on a pattern is rarely *really* an XL, and I’d rather it be a smidge big than a smidge small.  (Swatch it? Me?  Yeah, not so much.)

So that’s my latest project.  Hopefully it won’t be a total disaster, but even disasters are useful, and really, truth be told, I knit for the process.  I have so many scarves I rarely use, but that’s ok, ’cause it was made for the making, and not for the end product. 🙂

Knitting and Crochet

Le update

I’ve been working steadily on the little blankets for Grace and Noah.  Noah’s is finished except for the few ends I still have to weave (the main reason I rarely work in stripes).  Grace’s is about half-finished.  No pictures yet of either, I’m afraid.  Grace’s would be finished by now, except I stressed myself out so much trying to finish Noah’s as fast as I could, and worrying about running out of yarn, that I couldn’t bear to touch the needles for three days after it was finished.  I hate when that happens, when my fingers feel like they never want to be in those positions again.  Fortunately it wore off, as it usually does, and her blanket is now coming along nicely.

I keep the bag of yarn from Unwind next to my desk at home, the cotton yarn that I bought specifically for more Grace and Noah blankets, and the brilliantly bright colors keep calling to me.  I can’t wait to finish the current one so I can get started on those delicious colors.

Mom's BlanketAnd since I hate to write a post without including at least one picture, here is a pic of my very first blanket, made in 2004 for my mom’s birthday.  It was made with Cascade’s Lana D’Oro series, long since discontinued, to my great dismay.  It was my first experience with alpaca, and I’ve been in love ever since.  The blanket itself is terribly ugly–it was my first experience with squares, and they weren’t the same size, and I didn’t know how to crochet then to even out the smaller ones.  I ran out of time, and so I didn’t have the right balance of colors, and since they were all oddly sized, their placement depended on where each would fit, instead of where the color would look best.  Seriously, the ugliest blanket ever.  And I remember so clearly spending the entire day before Mom arrived for her visit stitching it together–a terribly hot day to be working with alpaca and wool.

But she said she loved it, and got mad when I apologized for its ugliness.  I wanted to include it in her coffin when she died, but I didn’t find it until a few days after her funeral, wrapped up and packed away to protect it from the cats.  It’s now wrapped up and packed away to protect it from my cats.  Sometimes I think about taking it out and trying to fix it–maybe adding more squares to balance the colors, or embroidering some designs on the plainer blocks, or adding a crocheted border around the edges.  Maybe I’ll make that a goal for the rest of 2007.

Knitting and Crochet


I swiped the batteries from my old, deceased A300.

This is a picture of the two hats. The pen is there for scale. They both fit rather nicely over my middle three fingers, which reminds me of Mr. Hand from South Park, which is probably not a good association for itty bitty baby hats, but there ya go. [Pattern here.]

Noah's blanket (WIP)
This will be Noah’s blanket when it’s finished. I’m using the light pink from Grace’s hat for the accent color, and I’ll be using the light green for Grace’s accent color. [Pattern here.]