Knitting and Crochet

Good day? Bad day?

It’s been a partly productive day, partly terrible day.  I woke up ridiculously early and couldn’t get back to sleep, so I was actually up and drinking tea at 7am this morning, the better to start off a planned Day of Laundry. I got a lot done–cleaned my closet and got rid of five bags and a box of clothes; cleaned out the fridge; dropped clothes off at Out of the Closet and mailed a package at the post office.  The seventh and eighth loads of laundry (winter clothes, gak!) are waiting for the dryer, with another four loads minimum still in line.

Then I noticed a termite on the couch–yuck!  I grabbed my dustbuster to terminate the sucker, and found he wasn’t alone; in fact, he had an entire party on the couch!  GAH!  Wondering where they came from, I pulled the curtain back, and found EVEN MORE on the window sill, and between the closed window and the screen.  ?!!!!  This was too much, and I pulled the building manager away from his garden to come look at the insanity.

The short of it is, some guy is coming in on Monday to “spray”.  Yeah, ’cause that’s gonna help a wall that’s been infested for long enough that it should be crashing down any day now. Thanks so much.

I did my own spray job (I can finally smell something other than Raid), and have been dustbusting the stragglers all afternoon.  It’s depressing and demoralizing, because I live in a rent-controlled apartment, which means that I pay a fraction of what apartments are going for in L.A. right now, i.e. I can’t afford to move.

Anyway, to cheer myself up as I sat staring at the couch, waiting for another interloper, I pulled out the purse I finished knitting last night and actually stitched up the bottom–go team me! To my own surprise, I think this one is my favorite so far.  I didn’t think the colors would work (turquoise and white), but so far they totally do.  We’ll see if I feel the same after it’s been felted.

That’s the it for now.  The mountain of laundry is calling.

WGA Strike

support_wga_iconThis is very off-topic, but it’s for a cause I support.  As you must know by now, the members of the Writers Guild of America are on strike.  This means there’s no one in Hollywood or New York writing for television or movies. I’ve seen some critics blasting at the strikers, claiming they’re all rich folk crying for more money. The fact is, the “rich folk” are the show runners, and the writers the next level under. The baby writers–the ones just starting out, the ones still climbing the ladder–they’re not rich folk, and they make up the majority of the WGA. These writers go from show to show, and oftentimes spend many months unemployed between shows, so the shiny dollars they earn when they’re employed have to stretch over those leaner times when they’re not. Residuals–for instance, moneys paid for reruns, syndication and dvd sales–help them over those lean times, but their cut of these residuals is miniscule compared to what the studios are reaping, not to mention the complete lack of percentages from sales from downloads and advertising for streaming.

To find out more about the strike, check out United Hollywood.

Completely off-topic rambles

It’s been another taxing day at work, and tomorrow promises to be no better.  I’ve done no knitting yet today, but hopefully will tonight while I’m watching Bones.  I played some Scrabulous during lunch, removed some patterns books from my Amazon wish list that I no longer want, and read a disturbing blog post about an elderly Japanese man who was removed from a train in Connecticut by security for the horrible crime of photographing pretty scenery from the train and not understanding English when (conductor?) told him to put the camera away. (I’d link it, but I don’t have the window open anymore, and I’m too lazy to look it up. Also? It made me very angry, and I don’t want to revisit that.)

Also also, I 100% support the striking writers of the WGA.

It’s freezing outside of my cube, but nice and cozy here where I sit, because I have my space heater on full blast.  This is why I’m still in the office at 6:30pm–I don’t want to leave my space heater.  Alas, I must go, mostly ’cause I’m hungry. 🙂

Knitting and Crochet

Day five of NaBloPoMo

Starting to feel the pressure.  Not sure what to post today, unless y’all want to hear about my busy day at work or the coworker that pissed me off. Still hard at work on bag #2 (brick red and tan). Freezing in my cubicle, where my heater is doing little to alleve the chill. Almost done with the gazillionth viewing of season seven of Buffy.

I have not looked at any knitting sites or magazines or books today, so I can’t post about that.  Haven’t even logged into Ravelry yet today–horrors! Um, I did take two minutes out of my day to contemplate buying a knitting related Xmas gift for a friend. I showed my current bag in progress to a colleague, and explained what stitch markers are for.

Oo! I lost five pounds in the last week, does that count as news?

Shoot.  This is only going to get harder, isn’t it?

Ok, I just logged into Ravelry, and there was a group invite waiting for me, for a local yarn store.  Hmm, I wonder if the other local stores have groups?

Um, go Patriots!

And now, a picture:


This is the most popular knitting-related image in my Flickr photostream. We now return you to your regularly scheduled surfing.


Nov 1 and NaBloPoMo

It’s November first, alright–I’ve been sitting at my PC for 20 minutes with GMA on in the background and have already seen two Christmas commercials. Yay?

November also brings the start of National Blog Posting Month, and to celebrate this, I’ve committed to updating this blog every day for the entire month of November. (*fingers crossed*)  My theory about this is that my content is going to suffer–coming up with something new to post about every day? I suspect within a week I’ll be transcribing the weather report and posting memes. Let’s face it, I’m no Yarn Harlot or Crazy Aunt Purl (my favorite knitting blogs, btw).

FoliageIn yarny news, last night I pulled out the Berroco Foliage that’s been waiting for just the right project, and tried to start the short row rib scarf from Magknits…..and I didn’t get very far.  I learned that NONE of my reference books includes instructions for “purl in front and back”.  WTF? So I went to the go-to site for knitting techniques,, and guess what?  They don’t have that technique either! I tried to improve the stitch, and it turned out, well, very badly. I gave up and put the yarn and pattern down and made a couple of granny squares to rebuild my confidence, then returned to the computer later to google the technique.  I found some nice illustrations, but have yet to pick up the yarn to try again.

On the other hand, I’m building up a nice granny square stash!  They’re so easy to make–I even made one last night while I was on the phone. So far I have twelve, but I think I’ll need double that to make a decent scarf.  I promise to post pictures soon!