
New year, new opportunity to be a regular blogger again!

So my New Year’s resolution is to blog every day. Will it happen? I was pretty successful when I did the same thing a few years ago, so I have high hopes for 2013 (or as The Bloggess calls it, The Library).

I closed out 2012 with some flare…

New Year's Eve in Jess's kitchen
New Year’s Eve in Jess’s kitchen

…dancing to hair bands around a kitchen floor somewhere in Massachusetts. It was a good time and a great way to ring in a new year. The champagne wasn’t bad either. 😀

Other hopes for the new year include losing weight and getting fit(ter–“fit” is relative when you’re starting at zero); painting more and hopefully getting better at it; practicing pool more so that I’ll be better at the 8-ball tournament in Vegas this summer; and doing more new things. Somewhere I have a list of the new things I did in 2012; as soon as I find it, I’ll post it.

Blogs Miscellaneous News Travel Work

So much has happened since June!

Let’s see…

In July, I took out my bike a few times, hung out with friends, bbq’ed on my new grill, got busy at work, and generally settled in to my awesome apartment that I still love.

In August, I got super busy at work (thanks to Pacific Standard Time!), celebrated a birthday (the towel one), started my own little poker group, and spent a few days in Dallas VISITING MY BRAND NEW NEPHEW who is awesome and wonderful and will rule the world.

In September, I BOUGHT ALL THE THINGS for my nephew (and not-yet-born niece), launched most of my work projects, got my hair cut, had a bunch o’doctor appointments (kidney stones are still there *sigh*), started on ADD meds, joined a pool league (Wednesday nights!), spent a small fortune on a new pool cue, and took an auto repair class for women at Santa Monica College with Michelle (awesome class, I highly recommend it!).

This month, I shall be going home for a week to spend even more time with my totally awesome nephew, and, as all the gods are my witness, I shall lose some weight off my enormous posterior. No really, I saw a full-body reflection today, and it was NOT PRETTY.

I’ve also been reading a lot of The Bloggess, and if you haven’t discovered her yet, you should hie thyself over there ’cause she’s hysterically awesome. Start with this post if you don’t believe me.


Divesting of the stuffies

One of the things I’ve been trying to part with in my quest to declutter my apartment is my impressive stash of stuffed animals, dating back to my wee baby days. I washed the ones I decided I could live without, and brought some to Out of the Closet to donate.

Guess what? You can’t really donate stuffed animals anymore due to the federal lead laws that went into effect in 2009. No one wants to risk the ridic fine for selling any objects that don’t comply, so they just don’t take accept those items anymore.

Well that makes things harder.

Thanks to Toy Story (damn you, Pixar!), I can’t bring myself to throw my toys away, so they spent a couple of weeks riding around in the back of my car. But one day, in the company parking garage, I came up with a solution when I saw my boss’s top-down convertible parked nearby.

Yes, I did. I doll-bombed his car.

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Loving the new apartment

Everything is unpacked, and has been since Memorial Day. Got rid of stuff thanks to Craigslist and my friends who didn’t mind taking in some of my old books and childhood Barbies. My new couch arrived, and the kitties and I have been breaking it in. Kristen helped me assemble the beautiful Ikea standing closets pictured above. I’ve been spending my evenings knitting and crocheting instead of wondering what else needs to be done. It’s pretty awesome.

Today my new bistro set arrived and is now packed in my car, ready to be taken home, assembled and placed lovingly on my balcony. My new gas grill has been ordered and will arrive on Tuesday. By this time next week, my balcony will be pimped out for summertime.

It’s all good.

*knock on wood*



I have always been a big reader, and therefore I would frequently run across the word ‘awry’ in my readings. For some reason, though, I had separated the word I knew verbally (properly pronounced), from the word I saw in print, which in my head was pronounced AW-ree, until one day my sister asked me how to spell ‘awry’. I suspect the click in my head was heard as far as Sweden.