What makes a knitting blog interesting? Is it all the yarn/needlework chatter, or the little extras that differentiate each blogger as individuals? There’s only so much I can talk about my current projects, but I feel guilty for neglecting my blog for almost a week with no updates. Perhaps a mix of both would work best?
Well, on the knitting front at least, my Booga Bag is nearly finished–the knitting part, anyway. The colors are a bit more spring-like than late summer, but since I usually just put my bags on a shelf when I’m done with them, I guess it doesn’t matter all that much. I started the last color change last night, and as there isn’t much of that color left (or of the other two, for that matter), I’ll have to bind off very soon. I just can’t decide if I want a normal bind-off, or the i-cord bind off from the Little Coco bag. Hmm. I’ll also need enough left over for the i-cord handles. Oops. Maybe if I mix the leftovers of all three, I’ll have enough? Yeah, in retrospect, that was bad planning on my part.
I have done nothing in crochet since my last update; the bag has had all my attention this week. I even took it to the Red Sox/Angels game on Tuesday, although to be honest, I never took it out of my bag–afraid I’d miss something, I guess. It was also bloody hot until the sun went down. But I did work on it at my doctor’s appointment on Wednesday and at the hair stylist’s yesterday, while I waited for the bleach, and then the blue dye, to set in. (New blue! Squee! Except, it’s more of a purple blue right now, but it’ll fade and then I can make it my usual blue–new blue! Yay!) I did not work on it while I had lunch with my friend K, or at either of my two sushi lunches (I’m obsessed with sushi these days, can’t get enough of it), or at my physical therapy appointment, but I did work on it while watching my Netflix dvds–The Dresden Files, disc one, and Eureka, disc one.
Ha! Didja see what I did there? I shared my week while still making it knitting related! Yes, I am a goober.
Let’s see, what else? I’m terribly behind in reading my favorite knitting blogs. I haven’t bought any new knitting or crochet books or magazines this week. Oo! I have been considering changing my stance on socks. I have always been anti-sock, because I despise DPNs with the heartfelt blackness of deep space. But! Two weeks ago, Wendy of Wendy Knits talked about knitting socks with two circulars, and she included a link to a video demonstrating the technique. (I’ve always known that awesome video site exists, but I always forget about it when it’s time to research a technique.) The video made it look not-impossible, and possibly even do-able. I’m not saying I’m gonna be starting a sock this week or anything, but I’m turning it over in my head, and I’m no longer saying never.
Jack wants attention RIGHT NOW, so that’s it for today.