Blogs Knitting and Crochet

Chore Wars!

Yesterday I was catching up on my blog reading, surfing WordPress blogs by tags, and I found a reference to “KnitWars.”  Huh, I thought, I wonder what that is?  There was no link, so I googled it and found Lime n Violet’s website, and what I read of KnitWars intrigued me muchly!

They had found a website called ChoreWars, whose sole purpose is to turn chores into a game resembling a D&D adventure.  Sweet!  Groups of people (families, housemates, offices, etc.) create their own gaming party and define their own adventures (i.e. chores), with rewards, treasures and risks attached to each one.  Presumably these families set up a real-life reward/punishment system based on the scores people earn as motivations for the completion of chores and duties.

Lime and Violet created their own chore party, but instead of mopping, dusting and vacuuming, the adventures run more along the lines of finishing a WIP, frogging a lost cause, and spinning 4 oz. of fiber.  You create your own character and keep track of your accomplishments to earn points, gold and treasure–meaningless in the general scheme of things, since this wasn’t set up to compete against other knitters, but a fun way to keep track of what you’ve done, what you’re doing, and what each goal might be worth on the scale of your own time.  It’s fun and creative and fantasy-adventurish, and may not be for everyone, but for me, competitive and fantasy-loving me, IT’S AWESOME!  So far I love it to pieces, and I’m hoping it motivates me to finish the many WIPs I have stashed away in drawers and closets.

In fact, I love it so much that I created my own private party of one, with all my single-living, nobody to do them but me, chores and activities (including exercise and good eating habits), in the hopes I can kick myself into gear to get those dishes done, and finally throw that old computer away, and earn points and rewards while I’m at it!  (There’s a 5% chance I can buy myself a new dvd if I brush the kitties tonight!)

Yes, I am a goober, but I *heart* technology, especially the kind that makes the tedious necessities of life a little more interesting.

And since I want this post to count towards points in the KnitWars, I have to include a picture:

Purse, waiting to be felted

This is a purse that I knit months and months ago, that has been sitting on a shelf ever since, waiting to be felted. I live in an apartment building, with coin-operated washing machines downstairs. The water doesn’t get very hot, and at $1.00 per wash, it can take a lot of valuable quarters to felt things in it. And this isn’t the only purse waiting to be felted. Someday, they’ll be FO’s, and on that day, I’ll be sure to take the KnitWars points for them!

Blogs Knitting and Crochet

What do you blog about when you've been working on the same project for two weeks now?

What makes a knitting blog interesting? Is it all the yarn/needlework chatter, or the little extras that differentiate each blogger as individuals? There’s only so much I can talk about my current projects, but I feel guilty for neglecting my blog for almost a week with no updates. Perhaps a mix of both would work best?

WIP: Booga Bag / Cascade 220Well, on the knitting front at least, my Booga Bag is nearly finished–the knitting part, anyway. The colors are a bit more spring-like than late summer, but since I usually just put my bags on a shelf when I’m done with them, I guess it doesn’t matter all that much. I started the last color change last night, and as there isn’t much of that color left (or of the other two, for that matter), I’ll have to bind off very soon. I just can’t decide if I want a normal bind-off, or the i-cord bind off from the Little Coco bag. Hmm. I’ll also need enough left over for the i-cord handles. Oops. Maybe if I mix the leftovers of all three, I’ll have enough? Yeah, in retrospect, that was bad planning on my part.

I have done nothing in crochet since my last update; the bag has had all my attention this week. I even took it to the Red Sox/Angels game on Tuesday, although to be honest, I never took it out of my bag–afraid I’d miss something, I guess. It was also bloody hot until the sun went down. But I did work on it at my doctor’s appointment on Wednesday and at the hair stylist’s yesterday, while I waited for the bleach, and then the blue dye, to set in. (New blue! Squee! Except, it’s more of a purple blue right now, but it’ll fade and then I can make it my usual blue–new blue! Yay!) I did not work on it while I had lunch with my friend K, or at either of my two sushi lunches (I’m obsessed with sushi these days, can’t get enough of it), or at my physical therapy appointment, but I did work on it while watching my Netflix dvds–The Dresden Files, disc one, and Eureka, disc one.

Ha! Didja see what I did there? I shared my week while still making it knitting related! Yes, I am a goober.

Let’s see, what else? I’m terribly behind in reading my favorite knitting blogs. I haven’t bought any new knitting or crochet books or magazines this week. Oo! I have been considering changing my stance on socks. I have always been anti-sock, because I despise DPNs with the heartfelt blackness of deep space. But! Two weeks ago, Wendy of Wendy Knits talked about knitting socks with two circulars, and she included a link to a video demonstrating the technique. (I’ve always known that awesome video site exists, but I always forget about it when it’s time to research a technique.) The video made it look not-impossible, and possibly even do-able. I’m not saying I’m gonna be starting a sock this week or anything, but I’m turning it over in my head, and I’m no longer saying never.

Jack wants attention RIGHT NOW, so that’s it for today.


This post has no intrinsic value

And what exactly is the definition of the word intrinsic?  According to, it means “belonging to a thing by its very nature.”  Does that mean anything to you?  ‘Cause it doesn’t mean a darned thing to me.  No matter, I still like saying it–intrinsic!

And I’m done.  Can you tell I’m bored to pieces?  I know boredom is a sign of, well, a very bad thing, I’m sure, but I find myself mired in indecision and an absence of motivation.  My downfall, you see, is my clean apartment.  When my apartment needs to be cleaned, I can find a gazillion things to do that must be done before actually cleaning; but today, I had a guest visit for some tutoring in Javascript, which of course meant lots of emergency-cannot-procrastinate cleaning.  Now here I sit, in my beautifully clean apartment, and I don’t know what to do with myself.

Knit, you say?  Crochet?  You mean pick up yarn in this admittedly not *so* sweltering heat?  You’re right, I should.  I have a booga bag that’s only half finished, and the scrap blanket that’ll probably never be finished, and I still only have one completed square for that Larger than Life bag.  I fear the yarn today, though; I know that once I pick it up, I’ll be planted in this chair for the rest of the day.  As long as I resist, there’s always the possibility, albeit a slim one, that I’ll stand up and go do something.  I don’t know what that something is, but I’m sure it’ll come to me, as long as I don’t tie myself down with yarn. (But not literally.) (This time.)

So far I’ve eaten some nuts….and put my feet in the pool….and helped my elderly neighbors with a wanna-wander cat…and eaten some cheese…and updated my Amazon wishlist (by request from my sis, as my birthday is coming up).  Um, yeah.  That’s about it.  Pathetic, isn’t it?

But on the bright side, I’ve updated my blog, so that my two readers will have something new to read, instead of wondering why I haven’t updated in a week.

Knitting and Crochet

A WIP, a pic, and an off-topic plug

Sorry for the hiatus, I was at Comic-Con this weekend in San Diego. Such a fun time! Oddly, though, I never saw anyone but myself knitting (or crocheting, for that matter) in the busy hallways of the Convention Center.

I couldn’t bring the log cabin scrap blanket, as it’s getting too big for easy transport, so I grabbed a bag of three balls of Cascade 220 that had already been ziplocked into complementary colors, printed out a copy of the Booga Bag pattern, and threw it all into my suitcase for the trip.

WIP: handbagI didn’t get very far on it–I mostly only knit in the car up and down, and a little between sessions while sitting on the floor of the main lobby–but it was nice to be knitting again after crocheting for so long. I’ll admit I was afraid I’d forget something, but my fingers knew what they were doing as soon as they touched the Addi circs, so much so that I didn’t even have to look down half the time. (This was important when the carsickness hit on the drive back north.) The color is of course slightly off–the green is more of a kelly than the forest that it looks there.

As for finished projects, I was a bad photographer and forgot to photograph the finished blankets for Grace and Noah before I delivered them to their mother on Friday. Suffice to say, they’re adorable with their single crochet borders of pink and green (Noah’s border is pink and Grace’s green, so that they match their sib’s colorway).

That’s all I’ve got for needlework/yarn news.  In off-topic news, check out page 75 of this week’s Entertainment Weekly (the one with The Deathly Hallows on the cover) for a cute write-up of my friend Allyson’s first book, Will the Vampire People Please Leave the Lobby?

Harry Potter week

No updates in a week?? I am a very bad blogger. But truth be told, I’ve barely touched a strand of yarn all week.  Instead, all my free time has been devoted solely to Harry Potter–Goblet of Fire, Order of the Phoenix, and the Half-Blood Prince, to be exact.  As the release date for the seventh and final Harry Potter book draws inexorably nearer, I’ve been frantically trying to finish my re-read of all six of the preceding books.  I really should’ve started way sooner than I did, given how slow a reader I am.  The first two were no problem, since I have them both as audio cds as well as text, so I was able to listen to them whilst crocheting.  Prisoner of Azkaban has always been my favorite, so I zipped through that one, no problem.

But then came Goblet of Fire, one of my least favorite of the series, and impossibly long.  It took me forever to read that one, but I finally finished it last Thursday night, giving me only a week to read the last two, also impossibly long, books, so guess what my weekend consisted of? I felt like a college student trying to cram an entire semester’s worth of knowledge into my head the night before a final.  My sleep has been marred by feverish dreams of racing down dark hallways and trying to placate bickering best friends.  With nearly every spare moment devoted to Harry and friends (I took two breaks–one to see Transformers and the other to see Order of the Phoenix, although that second one doesn’t technically qualify as a break, I guess), all I’ve been able to think about in my non-spare moments is of course Harry and friends.  I’ve been avoiding phone calls and posting boards and yes, this blog, in my efforts to be as ready as I can be for Friday night’s midnight release of possibly the most anticipated book ever.

I’m almost there–only 230 pages to go.  Maybe then I’ll be able to take the two minutes to upload the picture of the pretty crochet square that I promised last week, which of course still isn’t finished.